
Academics at St. Catherine of Siena academy are designed to prepare our students for higher education, careers and more. We help young women develop their feminine genius, guiding them to discover their passion and hone their skills for application in the real-world.
Block Scheduling
St. Catherine of Siena Academy will begin to follow a collegiate block schedule for the 2023-24 school year. Students will be enrolled in four 80-minute classes each day Semester I, followed by four 80-minute classes Semester II. This provides students the opportunity to complete eight (8) credit hours each academic year.

Academic Profile
Learn more about our graduation requirements, curriculum, advanced placement courses, and school identity.
Academic Departments
St. Catherine of Siena Academy offers a comprehensive and rigorous college preparatory curriculum for all students, including honors and Advanced Placement classes in all core disciplines. The curriculum provides the flexibility that allows the full development of individual interests, as well as a strong sense of values, ethics, and character development rooted in the Catholic faith.
Through varied experiences, the student develops a rich understanding of the background in visual arts.
Curriculum balances the classic literature of the past with the diverse literature of the present.
Health & Physical Education
Students learn how to maintain health and wellness throughout their lifetime and receive opportunities to experience a variety of team and individual sports activities.
Interdepartmental Programs
Students learn skills for navigating the next level: from forthcoming academic challenges to leadership to independent study and more.
Students learn Latin within the context of ancient Roman society with a view to understanding the foundational role that Latin has played in the development of western language and culture.
Courses explore abstraction and logical reasoning mathematics evolved from counting, calculation, measurement, and the systematic study of the shapes and motions of physical objects.
Performing Arts
Courses engage students in technique, exploration, and practical performance opportunities in drama and music.
Students become creative thinkers who collaborate effectively to solve academic and real-world problems with biology, chemistry, physics, and other science electives.
Social Studies
Teaches students to utilize historical inquiry, analysis, research, writing, and discussion in order to more actively engage with the world around us.
Provides students with a solid grounding in Spanish grammar and vocabulary and introduces students to the variety of cultures found in the Spanish-speaking world.
Students receive foundational faith teachings that help them identify as young women who are beloved by God and made in His image.
St. Catherine of Siena Academy’s school counselors make a conscious effort to thread the Catholic identity, as it is embodied in the school’s unique mission, into their guidance programs, thereby distinguishing what they do as a ministry rather than a job.
Our Guidance Counseling Program provides students with class, college, career, and individual counseling throughout their time at SCA.

College Prep
Our counselors have worked diligently over the years to combine all the resources required to help STARS make a smooth transition from SCA to the colleges of their choice.
Due to the unusual college admissions circumstances created by COVID-19, the Michigan College Access Network has created a compilation of Michigan colleges and universities and their requirements from applicants in the forthcoming year. We regularly update the link as new versions become available.
Guidance & Learning Support
SCA understands that each student learns differently, which is why we offer our Academic Guidance and Learning Support Program for students who require additional support. Together with students, our staff creates individual, empowering learning plans that support the pursuit of unique goals.