Graduation Requirements
Graduation Requirements
(The following information is taken from p6 of the Program of Studies)
To earn a diploma from St. Catherine of Siena Academy, a student must satisfactorily complete the following program of studies. Students must be in attendance for four (4) years (consideration will be made for transfer students). Students may enroll in a maximum of eight full credit courses each academic year. SCA is on a term grading scale, with each one term course worth 0.5 credit toward graduation. Report cards are generated through PowerSchool and made available each term. Students will also receive a transcript at the end of each year, accessed through Parchment, with their cumulative academic record.
The following represents the minimum graduation requirements
4.0 English
4.0 Math
(Note: * 4.5 credits will be required beginning with the Class of 2027 to include Personal Finance)
4.0 Social Studies [including ½ credit each of Civics/Government and Economics (junior or senior year)]
3.0 Science (including 1 credit of biology and one other lab science)
4.0 Catholic Theology (at least 1 credit taken each year)
2.0 Latin or Spanish (Minimum of 2 consecutive years of a language) (Spanish may be elected
beginning with the class of 2027)
1.0 Philosophy
0.5/0.5 Physical Education/Health
2.0 Visual/Performing/Applied Art
6.0 Electives
31 Credits to Graduate for the Class of 2027
Service Requirements
(The following information is taken from p12 of the Program of Studies)
At St. Catherine of Siena Academy, we strive to educate for service, justice, peace, and integrity for creation through our community service efforts. Classes and clubs are encouraged to create collaborative service projects in which the whole class, club, or school may participate. The service program at SCA fosters experiences that inspire young women with Catholic values of faith, community, inclusivity, service, justice, and peace to prepare students to meet the challenges facing them in a culturally diverse society. The program also encourages commitment, responsibility, and dedication to the Gospel value of service in all four yours at SCA.
Community service is an extension of the overall program at SCA. All school policies will apply while participating in community service.
For the 2023-2024 academic year, we will require the following number of service hours to be completed:
- Freshmen – 25 hours
- Sophomores – 30 hours
- Juniors – 35 hours
- Seniors – 40 hours