
Counseling Department

St. Catherine of Siena Academy’s school counselors make a conscious effort to thread the Catholic identity, as it is embodied in the school’s unique mission, into their guidance programs, thereby distinguishing what they do as a ministry rather than a job. Our Guidance Counseling Program provides students with class, college, career, and individual counseling throughout their time at SCA.

Claudia Sitto
Grades 9-12: Last Name A – H
248.946.4848 ext: 137
Hutham Tankersley
Grades 9-12:  Last Name I – Z
248.946.4848 ext: 138

Navigating High School

  • Placement Test – The Counseling Department and Admissions Team have put together a comprehensive placement test to provide a baseline to create an educational development plan (course schedule) that will best suit your STARS for their first semester at SCA.
  • Personalized Scheduling – Each year STARS meet individually with their counselor to discuss their four year plan and scheduling for the next academic year.
  • Communication – Communication between the school and the parents is handled through direct emails from the counseling department. Information about college events, scholarships, open houses, ACT/SAT workshops and other college news is provided through the Counseling Department Newsletter, the Parent Newsletter, and other direct emails.
  • Advanced Placement Courses – Parents with a STAR in an Advanced Placement course for the first time may have questions. The College Board Blog has provided a blog post, Parent Resource: Understanding AP, that answers many standard questions parents have.

College Counseling

  • College Entrance Exams – STARS are given the opportunity to take two practice SAT (called the PSAT) tests during her freshman and sophomore years. These school day practice tests help students prepare for the SAT/NMSQT. All juniors have an opportunity to take the SAT during the school day at SCA.
  • College and Career Readiness – Our Counseling Department provides multiple resources to help STARS and their families navigate their way towards the right college choice for their unique feminine genius.
  • Parent Education – Evening events are provided for parents (and in some cases students) to guide them through the college admissions,
    financial aid, and scholarship processes. Assistance is also provided for preparing for the NCAA Clearinghouse.

Guidance Counseling

  • Academic Guidance & Support Services – Students who require special services (504 or Non-Public Service Plans) will work with the counselors and learning specialist for assistance with organizational and study/test-taking skills.
  • Career Awareness and Exploration & Planning Services –  Students will learn goal setting and decision making skills. SCA provides PSAT testing for all underclassmen and an SAT for all juniors in the spring. STARS use the tool, SCOIR, for college and career exploration. We also host a college fair each fall.
  • Mental, Emotional, Social, Behavioral, Developmental Services – Students can be helped with anxiety, short-term counseling and a non-judgmental listening ear.
  • Crisis Intervention and Response Services – The counseling office, in conjunction with the faculty and administration guide students through short-term crisis interventions and refer families for long-term counseling.

Counseling Department Communications

The Counseling Department works hard to keep our families ahead of the curve when it comes to preparing for each new semester, mandated testing, college counseling, and scholarships. Click below to read some of their most recent updates.

CA-60 Records Release Form

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