Clubs and Organizations
At SCA we encourage students to use their sense of wonder by participating in new clubs or groups. Some groups focus on learning new skills and some provide opportunities for professional development while others exist for the sake of sisterhood building and recreation. While there is a large selection of groups to choose from, when a STAR has an interest new to the school, we help them foster their leadership skills by creating a new group. This is how most of our groups got their start and we are amazed each year by how our STARS shine when they use their feminine genius in this way.

The Ambassadors help our admissions office to reach out to prospective SCA students by visiting schools with the admissions director, hosting middle school shadows students, giving tours at Open Houses, helping to plan and run freshmen welcome events, etc.
Animation Appreciation Club
This club watches animated shows and films made around the world and discusses different styles of animation.
Art Club
In this club students can come to draw and share a love for art.
Booked Up
The Booked Up club promotes literacy and the love of reading. They read and discuss books, host activities for the school based on literature, and help to decide new acquisitions for the school library.
Business and DECA Club
The business club and DECA meet for regular meetings as one group. Those interested in learning more about entrepreneurship, retail, accounting/finance, marketing, and visual merchandising can join. Students interested in volunteering with our student-run store, St. Cate’s Corner, are also encouraged to be a part of the club. DECA members have an opportunity to compete in district competitions in their area of interest. All members can learn the different aspects of business and develop critical emotional intelligence skills. Application of learned skills are applied in St. Cate’s Corner which serves our school community: students, staff, parents and family, alumnae, and friends of SCA.
There is a fee for DECA membership.
Chaldean Student Association
CASA is for Stars who are interested in learning more about the Chaldean culture. Club members will participate in fundraising and cultural events for the Chaldean community.
Crochet Club
Students come together to crochet, knit, watch movies, and talk.
We learn about business; get involved in SCA business projects and volunteer in different aspects in helping the St. Cate’s Corner (spirit store) to run. DECA-eligible students can participate in DECA competitions.
Members of the Debate Team meet to learn and practice the Lincoln-Douglas and Public Forum types of speeches and compete with one another to hone and master their debate skills.
Environmental Science Club
Students help clean up school grounds and recycle around SCA, and plan fundraisers to purchase bird food for the outdoor feeders in the winter and to purchase other environmentally-friendly enhancements to the school and grounds. This club prioritizes activities that help SCA be a Michigan “Green School.” In the past 2 years, students have almost raised enough funds to purchase a filtered water-bottle filler for the school, thereby cutting down on the demand for disposable water bottles which so harm the environment. Other projects of interest include raising funds for hand-dryers for the bathrooms to cut down on paper waste and garbage.
Gianna Molla
Gianna Molla Society is our pro-life club on campus. We endeavor to raise awareness for the sanctity of life through participation in pro-life causes, including the National 40 Days for Life campaign. Club members plan school-wide events, raise funds for pro-life causes, lead our weekly pro-life rosary after school, volunteer at pregnancy counseling centers and coordinate our “pro-life” day during St. Catherine of Siena week. Most members have also attended at least one March for Life.
HOSA (Health Occupations)
Students interested in Health Science compete in interscholastic conferences in 56 different events. Students are also invited to state-wide symposia and speakers.
Junior Classical League
The JCL is a national organization with active chapters in all 50 states. It tasks itself with promoting the appreciation and education of classical culture. The major event is the annual convention, where JCL clubs from all over the state meet to participate in competitions including art, oratory, trivia, and outright games.
Mental Well-Being Club
This club finds ways to promote healthy minds and raises awareness of various strategies to manage stress, and improve overall quality of life.
Miles Christi Discipleship Lunch Group
Is run by the consecrated women of Miles Christi, and provides an opportunity for students to have lunch together and engage in faith-based discussions.
National Honor Society
NHS is an honor society that recognizes excellence in academics and service. Students wishing to be in NHS must meet and maintain both national and school expectations to remain a part of the honor society.
Project Bluebird
This group works to raise awareness of human trafficking and its effects, ranging from the local community to the global level.
Is a council of student volunteers who wish to assist the Student Council in planning and running their events and activities.
The Robotics Team raises funds, then builds and programs a robot to compete in competitions across the state.
Robotics in the news: ‘Constellations’ earn multiple awards during inaugural season, set sights on growing robotics program in year two
SCA Times
We accept, write, and edit submissions to the monthly literary magazine, provide artistry to accompany written pieces, and then publish it for the school community.
Student Council
Students participating in Student Government will be leading the school through organizing school spirit events and activities.