Class of 2023 Senior Send-Off
On Tuesday, May 17, SCA’s 10th graduating class proudly processed into the Chapel for their Baccalaureate Mass and then into the gym for Graduation. Fr. John of God, whom these seniors have known for the last two years, invited them to look at the present (moving from little girl to young women), the past (you are the fruit of so much love – God, family, the SCA Community), and the future (one of the most beautiful stages of life). He concluded by imploring them to “make a choice for Christ,” by following three tips: 1). Get in touch and connect with a Catholic group, 2). Don’t give into the temptations of complete freedom and independence, 3). Live for others.

In her opening remarks, Ms. Hehs asked the seniors to look back on Convocation and her sharing of the story of the Starfish Thrower (Loren Eiseley). In the re-telling of the story, Ms. Hehs reminded them that they were born to make a difference, like the little girl tossing beached starfish back into the ocean, and that her challenge to them was to realize that together they could make an even bigger difference in the world. They have been given the tools, now it is up to them to set the world ablaze and leave their mark on the world.

In her address to the seniors, Elizabeth Dulzo, SCA Class of 2018, shared three points. First, take your faith into your own hands. As you get older, your faith becomes more and more your responsibility, and that it is not only ok to ask questions about your faith, but not to be afraid of asking questions, because the more questions one asks, the deeper your understanding becomes and the more mature your relationship with God becomes. Second, step out of your comfort zone! As you get to know people of different from you, you grow as a person and gain new perspectives, and always approach these encounters with a reminder that Jesus would love first and foremost in your mind. Third, avoid comparing yourself to others. Do not fall prey to “Imposter Syndrome”, a physiological phenomenon which involves feeling like a fraud despite one’s achievements. God has given each person their own unique path that follows a unique timeline. Focus energy on that journey, not someone else’s, so that you can become the best version of ourselves, the one God intended for us, because, if you are what you are meant to be, you will set the world ablaze.

Class of 2023 Commencement Exercises – full video
Class of 2023 Baccalaureate Mass – full video