Prayer & Meditation

Saint Catherine of Siena, Patron and Hero

At St. Catherine Academy, we aspire to follow in her footsteps—not with grand gestures, but with quiet determination and unwavering faith. Let us pray that each member of our community, from students to staff, will draw inspiration from her example, embracing our feminine holiness as we journey together in love and grace.
April 29, 2024

Today, we joyfully celebrate the Feast of Saint Catherine of Siena on April 29th—a day close to our hearts here at St. Catherine Academy. She isn't just our patron; she's our hero, a gentle yet powerful guide, showing us the path to embrace our feminine holiness.

St. Catherine of Siena (1347 - 1380), was a mystic, activist, reformer, contemplative, and Doctor of the Church, making her one of the most influential figures in Christian history. She navigated the turbulent waters of the Middle Ages with a deep well of love for Jesus as her compass. Despite the challenges of her time, she remained steadfast in her commitment to speak out with kindness and wisdom, offering counsel to leaders and officials with a heart overflowing with compassion.

Her influence, rooted in love, serves as a gentle reminder for us all. Saint Catherine's life teaches us to embrace our unique femininity, to find strength in our identity as daughters of God. She shows us that through acts of love and humility, we can make a profound impact in our own corners of the world.

At St. Catherine Academy, we aspire to follow in her footsteps—not with grand gestures, but with quiet determination and unwavering faith. Let us pray that each member of our community, from students to staff, will draw inspiration from her example, embracing our feminine holiness as we journey together in love and grace.

My Nature is Fire

In your nature,

eternal Godhead,

I shall come to know my nature.

And what is my nature, boundless love?

It is fire,

because you are nothing but a fire of love.

And you have given humankind

a share in this nature,

for by the fire of love

you created us.

And so with all other people

and every created thing;

you made them out of love.

O ungrateful people!

What nature has your God given you?

His very own nature!

Are you not ashamed to cut yourself off from such a noble thing

through the guilt of deadly sin?

O eternal Trinity,

my sweet love!

You, light,

give us light.

You, wisdom,

give us wisdom.

You, supreme strength,

strengthen us.

Today, eternal God,

let our cloud be dissipated

so that we may perfectly know and follow your Truth

in truth,

with a free and simple heart.

God, come to our assistance!

Lord, make haste to help us!


*Prayer is taken from Passion for the Truth Compassion for Humanity, Catherine of Siena, Mary O’Driscoll, editor


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