Student Spotlight

Excellence Recognized: Welcoming New NHS Members

St. Catherine of Siena Academy was happy to welcome the the Class of 2025 members into the National Honor Society (NHS). The ceremony held on March 7 not only celebrated their academic accomplishments but also highlighted their embodiment of the NHS's pillars: Leadership, Scholarship, Service, and Character.
March 7, 2024

Setting the Bar High: Welcoming the Newest National Honor Society Members at St. Catherine of Siena Academy

March 7th marked a milestone at St. Catherine of Siena Academy as we proudly welcomed members from the Class of 2025 into the National Honor Society (NHS). With the induction ceremony, we not only honored their academic achievements but also celebrated their embodiment of the NHS's four pillars: Leadership, Scholarship, Service, and Character.

Setting the tone for the evening, our four officers, Elizabeth Harris ‘24, Antonia Leonardo ‘24, Lucia George ‘24, and Madison Hook ‘24, eloquently discussed each of these pillars, emphasizing the importance of upholding these values in all aspects of their lives. Their insightful reflections reminded us of the high standards we hold our NHS members to and the impact they have on our school community.

We extend our gratitude to Barbara Kirwan, our dedicated NHS advisor, whose commitment and support have played a pivotal role in guiding our members on their journey of excellence. Her words of encouragement and wisdom serve as a beacon, inspiring our students to strive for greatness.

In celebrating the achievements of our newest NHS members, we commend their hard work, dedication, and commitment to academic excellence. These students have not only excelled in the classroom but have also demonstrated exceptional leadership skills, a passion for serving others, and integrity.

Congratulations to the following students for their induction into the National Honor Society:

  • Valeria Aguirre-Sullivan
  • Sabrina Alstott
  • Marianne Castro
  • Elizabeth Creen
  • Mara Delyon
  • Valencia Imperi
  • Kaitlyn Kallabat
  • Tara Kellow
  • Hannah Kim
  • Gracie Klein
  • Gieselle Nafso
  • Laila Nikitaides
  • Hannah Pleet
  • Isabel Thomas
  • Lily Wolocko

Your membership in the NHS is a testament to your hard work, perseverance, and dedication to excellence. As you continue on your academic journey, we have no doubt that you will continue to set the bar high and inspire others to reach for their dreams.

Selection for membership in the NHS is a process overseen by our members of our Faculty. Candidates must meet certain criteria, including maintaining a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.75, showcasing a history of leadership, scholarship, character, and service, and being a student at SCA for at least two semesters.

Learn more about the National Honor Society:


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